My parents passed me their stubbornness genetically and nurtured it through upbringing. So, when one of the chef's at Passion 5 formed an X with his forearms to warn me off taking photos, I smiled and complied. Or so he thought. I was angry and intent on taking even more photos than I normally do. I hate places which have an anti-photo rule - it's so stupid in this day and age. I hoped to despise their goods and slam them but guess what? Anti-photo rule or not, they craft some scrumptious goodies, both savory and sweet.
Just about everything we tried was a hit. From left to right, piggie in a filo blanket, bacon in a dough shawl, a crepe sack filled with strawberries and cream, tied with a vanilla bean and a hot cheese pocket.

Filo dough cradling a juicy sausage. Genius. Un-toppable until.....

.....we tried an even juicier sausage wrapped in a lighter jacket.

This little piggie was top of the food chain, we agreed. So juicy and tender. Of course, we're biased - we're pork-addicts.

As Dodo kept buying, I kept clicking. I hid my camera on my lap and snapped whenever the waiter disappeared. The boomerang in the foreground was the runt of the litter - we selected it not realizing it was filled with olives - neither of us cares for olives. The strawberry pastry was better than it had a right to be - strawberries in the middle of winter?
The coffee wasn't half-bad either. After about an hour of filling my belly, the anger started to recede. I was taking photos, eating like a king. I get a perverse pleasure in not following the rules. It sometimes works for me and other times against me.
We sat upstairs after selecting our eats on the first floor. As you can see, it's schwanksville - a step up from their other chain - Paris Baguette, which I didn't try.

I'm not positive about the address, so just look for the red birdie out front.

Yongsan-gu Hannam-Dong 72-74
Itaewon, Seoul
I can only say I am glad we made the effort to check this out.... still miss the sausage bread. Oooo.. juicy!
ReplyDelete@Dodo - let's be honest, it didn't take much effort.......just walk in, select and chomp!